EvaPhone.com is a well known free international calls from computers. Most of my blog readers have known it very well. But for our new readers or someone may forgot it. I write is again to show our friends that don't forget evaphone.com. Sometimes you may need it.It has been providing free voip calls from pc for many years. So most of my friends who cares about voips know it very well. It's not easy for a voip provider who offers free voip calls for so many years. But evaphone made it.
It's very convenient to make free internationals on line by evaphone.com. It requires no register, what you need to do is just visit evaphone.com and you could see a modal of phone. Then you just dail the number you want to call. Before you input your destination number, you need to choose the country code, the dail. By the way, you don't need to add an "0" before dail moble phone.
After you dail the number, their will be 10 seconds' Ad and 10 seconds later, you could talk. I have tried it, and it really works. But you could only speak for 3 minutes, and you could only make free calls through evaphone.com twice.
I you reall need free calls, Just have a try! here It's not a bad option.